Give your skin the pampering it
needs with JAFRA, a global
direct selling cosmetics
company, that has come to
India to give you world-class
skincare. JAFRA has skincare,
anti-ageing and home spa
products— all natural.
Г '
Goi ng Undercover
Hard-workingfolding tables are a must
when you have company. But how do you
keep their utilitarian looks from puttinga
dam per on the party? Get slip covers tailor-
made for them, just as you do for luxurious
upholstered sofas. Have them designed in
such a way that the covers hide table legs
and fit the top snugly. In fabrics, choose a
machine-washable polyester.
To clean liquid stains from the carpet,
blot with tissue paper. Dp not rub—
rubbing will only ensure
the stain spreads further. *
з W A Y S T O D O IT B E T T E R
Take Care o f Everyday Messes
Lisa Quinn, author of
Life’s Too Short to Fold Fitted Sheets,
these quick clean-uptips usingwhatyou have on hand.
more than romantic
dinner lighting. Rub them
on bathroomgroutorinthe
gaps in floor tiles to shield
against mould and mildew.
W hileyou’re there, take an
antacid tablet from your
medicine cabinet and drop
it in your toilet bowl for a
quick, fizzy clean.
face of your iron?
Lay out a piece of
aluminiumfoil,and iron it.
The build-up will stick to the
foil. You can also use foil to
dispose of cooking grease.
Line a cup with foil and pour
in thegrease. Once the
grease has solidified, seal
it in the foil and throw the
package away.
Tackle spilled food
in the oven or
microwave right away
by pouringtable salt over
it. The salt will form a crust
that makes the food easy
to wipe up. Italso reduces
the burning smell. Leave the
door open for some time to
let the smell escape.
Life’s Too Short to Fold
Fitted Sheets
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